Welcome to Raja Sahib School, Jhingran

Welcome to RSPS

At Raja Sahib School, we lay a great stress on strengthening the moral values, promotion of cultural, social and spiritual values for the all-round development of the personality of the child. The school includes discipline, excellence and dedication that are some of the essential components for success. Teachers encourage the students to discuss everything freely, guide them at every step so that they can step out into the world as all-rounders and confident citizens.

Our Mission
  • To provide quality education to Area
  • To promote and revive Indian tradition through various learned discourses.
  • To provide a well balanced futuristic teaching learning environment.
  • 32+


  • 500+


  • 80+



Our Doctors


Our Engineers


Certified Teachers


Foreign Settled

Why Choose RSPS

what differ us from others

Fee Concession

We give fee concession to needy students who deseve the best education


RSPS provide scholarships to brilliant sudents for furture study

qualified teachers

To provide quality education to our students we pick gems from socity for teaching.


At RSPS our students celebrate all festival which provide them knowledge of history

Special Classes

RSPS provide special classes to those who are weak in some sujects but have protencial.

religious study

Punjabi culture has great history of their relegions, which we taught to our student.

our video

upcoming events

14 Sep

Hindi Day Celebratoin

  • At RSPS we celebrate....
21 Sep


  • PTM for first semester
28 May

Grand Parents Day Celebration

  • Nursery to 4th class

our Testimonials

our lastest news

World Heart Day Celebration


World Peace Day Celebration
